Saturday, February 11, 2012

Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012 02102012 - FULL SPEECH

Human fur ball speaking at CPAC

This is a hoot from a diseased mind on the right. As someone who grew near Cambridge MA. I like his "Beirut on The Charles." Nice touch. Harvard killed free speech. It's amazing that Mitt Romney or George W. Bush was actually able to escape their with their speech to be able to run for president. He also was able to make all the people from ABC, NBC and CBS all solidly behind the left. Somehow I missed the memo from Disney, GE and Viacom wanting to divide all their profits among the workers of the world. I'm sure Breibart got it. This is the right wing version of a fur ball that my cat coughs up and he would like it if they could get the tea party shock troops fight occupy Wall Street, while the people who he really works for continues to roll America. Take a look at how many years the conservatives have run this country - including the years Clinton ran the country as one of the best Republican presidents - and then think about how American workers are doing. Here is a man set forth to convince you up is really down, left is really right, and black is really white. And where did he get these ideas in college of course.

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