Sunday, February 19, 2012

Occupy The SEC Marches In Support Of A Strong Volcker Rule#es_share_ended#es_share_ended#es_share_ended

Occupy The SEC Marches In Support Of A Strong Volcker Rule#es_share_ended#es_share_ended#es_share_ended

NEW YORK -- A crowd of some 60 people were milling outside the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the Financial District Monday afternoon. They listened to Alexis Goldstein, a small woman with a voice that bounced off the buildings.

"We are here today to send a message to the Fed, to the SEC," Goldstein announced, the crowd echoing her words in a call-and-response pattern made familiar by the Occupy Wall Street movement. "Protect the public, not the banks."

"Yes to Volcker, not the vultures!" someone called back.

They were part of one of the latest and most sophisticated attempts yet by OWS protesters to influence the political dialogue. Goldstein is one of the core members of a group known as Occupy the SEC, a collective that includes lawyers and people with years of financial industry experience -- such as Goldstein herself, who has worked in technology at a number of Wall Street firms. The group, which takes its name from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, had organized this rally in lower Manhattan to focus attention on a key piece of financial regulation.

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