Sunday, August 14, 2011

Now The Press Can Get Back To What They Do Best Focusing On The Meaningless And Trivial: Another wards Back To The Horserace

The woman too crazy for any of the money people to take seriously pulls up on the inside, the guy who thinks that corporations are people but whose only real support is the millions of dollars he takes in from non-human people falls back a length, the libertarian who wins nearly every poll he enters but who there is no way Wall Street will let run their Potomac suburb falls back a pace, the guy who just enters the race from the barn to the right but who looks like a moderate though he keeps talking about every states right to leave the country he wants to run falls into the middle of the pack, the three time philandering congressman who's running on the family value ticket is hangs tough at the rail, the black conservative pizza maker who seems to have no support either inside or outside his party hangs tough, the former ambassador who looks normal and no one knows anything about continues to eun his own race anonymously, the former congressman who can't even hold onto his seat in a conservative part of Pennsylvania so he now wants to give the rest of the US a chance to love him falls even further back into the pack of obscurity...and Sarah Palin is expected to decide whether she will run for president by December 2012, as the ever vigilant press waits the grand lady's every whim.

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