Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In case you missed. We give you Main Stream Media News: The Christmas Edition

George Stephanopoulos will be returning to ABC's This Week, in an effort for the company to show its commitment to truth and integrity. Stephanopoulos once hosted the show before stepping down and managing to keep his oversized salary doing cooking segments in the morning. There is no telling as of yet if the round table will cook souffles as a break in between talking about the economy and real news segments. During the week's leading up to the move George Will made a dozen arrogant hyperbolic statements that he appears to know almost nothing about leading the viewer to ponder whether he has ever had another job other than overpaid, pontificating gas bag.

The media also fell in love with the line that "Middle Class" Mitt delivered to Perry when he challenged him to a $10,000 dollar bet. It was a real gotcha moment that shows just how out of touch Romney is like we wouldn't guessed from the three mansions he owns on different coasts. Romney now has the backing of a witch. Rumor has it she may turn him from walking, talking corporation into a real person.

Occupy Wall Street has begun to lose its popularity. As surprising as this is the media did a poor job on focusing on the complexities of OWS was trying to get across. Instead they chose to focus on the slogans, egregious assaults, and arrests...without exactly saying why they were being arrested. Instead the focus became if the police are tackling someone they must have been guilty of something. They also focused on the cost of the police presence without even asking why the police were there in the first place. Instead all the focus on this is that they don't understand what the movement is about as they use the Americans lack on an attention span to fast forward the movement. Americans are ready to move on. Change that doesn't happen in a nano second must not be worth happening. They asked the powers that be to change. The powers that be said no and now everyone is ready to move on. Anyone know who's guest hosting today on Kelly minus Regis?

Gingrich continues to be a pompous Ass who says one insulting thing after the next, but doesn't apologize for it. Another wards, he's just the kind of politician that many of the Americans can get behind. This living breathing conflict of interest is surging in the polls. The Republican primary voters have cheered for nearly every despicable thing a candidate says in passing. There's no such thing as being too vile. Any Republican who doesn't say something that is at least something partially despicable will be stuck at 0% of the vote. The only thing the voters haven't cheered yet is someone who wants to kick cats or leave poor kids (excluding those that are post-conception and pre-birth) on the sides of mountains to be devoured by wolves.

We've gone from pedophiles at Penn State to pedophiles at Syracuse as we got into the big ten conference of sexual degenerates and the Main Stream Media can't get enough. It's almost like they're salivating over all the terrible details and they want more.

We've had the Black Friday rush in which "competitive shopping" has become a euphemism for a felony committed in a store as news desks across the country, get out their pom poms, to cheer them on. Nothing can be allowed to dampen the enthusiasm of Americans spending money that they don't have.

For a second, Congress looked like it might act. It didn't. Then they went on television and blamed one another again, again.

Fox trotted out the old "War On Christmas" chestnut once more. It's like the journalistic version of a fruit cake. You never want it but it keeps coming back year after year. And somehow Bill O'Reilly will end up yelling at you for not being holy enough or for saying Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas. He will want to crucify you for not celebrating Jesus' birth.

Donald Trump who has a rabid following of one - Donald Trump - took over the spotlight again, mumbled a half a doesn't stupid things and went back away. Some Republicans were eager to capture his important and non-existent demographic. The ones who had no chance of being anointed by the Donald looked at him and realized he is nothing but a guy with too much orange makeup on his face, a small animal on his head, and an ego bigger than the New York skyline. That essentially left Newt Gingrich alone on a double date with Donald, with nothing but the wine, the moonlight and their oversized egos.

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