Thursday, September 22, 2011

From talking points memo another good post on Middle Class Mitt

Romney casual just like you

“Romney’s strategy to be ‘one of us’ rings so much more hollow than the rest of his phoniness because it gets at his biggest weakness — that he has spent much of his life advancing policies that help himself and his wealthy friends at the expense of the middle class that he claims to be in,” Bill Burton, a former Obama aide and co-founder of Democratic Super PAC Priorities USA, told TPM. “It would be funny if it weren’t so offensive.”
Sometimes he makes it too easy for them, like when news broke that he was tearing down a $12 million mansion in La Jolla in order to build a new compound four times its size. Romney held his tongue at first, but eventually complained to a New Hampshire newspaper publisher that he was only doubling its square footage if you don’t count the basement and garage. Given that John McCain took endless grief for his failure to remember how many houses he owned (it was five), it shouldn’t have been hard to predict that the California home might be a problem.
In June, Romney joked with a group of unemployed workers that “I’m also unemployed,” undercutting an elaborate campaign he had launched just that month to highlight the personal toll joblessness took on struggling Americans.
Then there are smaller campaign moments, like the time he had to dig deep in his wallet to find a non-$100 bill to give to a child in exchange for an origami dollar. Last week at a car dealership he talked up how he owns two Cadillacs at two houses then, realizing they sold Fords, added that he also owns a Mustang.
Romney may slip up sometimes, but his campaign has also gone out of its way to tackle this problem early. He’s hit up plenty of small town events in flannel and denim and rarely sports a tie, a style choice that has not gone unnoticed. His campaign videos on joblessness and press appearances at businesses that have fallen on hard times help shift the focus away from his personal resume and squarely on average Americans (even if it leads to a somewhat depressing campaign).

Full Story here:

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