Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Does Anybody Think That "The Surrendering Democrats", also known as one of Wall Streets Two Parties, Aren't Positioning Themselves To Sell Out The American People?

The democrats took a step closer to becoming the 21st century version of the Whig party and the only question seems to be is what party will replace them after they're gone, as America continues its descent down the economic rabbit hole. The super congress - also known as 'we know we're  screwing you over but all of us would like to keep our day jobs, perks and benefits - have their representatives. They are Patty Murray, Max Baucus, and John Kerry. They are a fund raiser in chief, a politician who few voters in his own party even likes, and a former presidential candidate who ran his whole campaign like he was looking for someone to surrender to. Can anyone tell me where in the constitution the founders talked about having an appointed a non-elected super congress to do the supposed real congresses dirty work?

Thomas Jefferson hoping to learn something about government from this crop of geniuses

These representatives have a strong record of job protection, they have protected their own jobs for 78 years worth watching from the sideline as America has bled jobs millions of jobs during that time period. Expect to see one or two of them retire and join a lobbying group so they can keep their lifestyle without having to appeal to rabble. Then the rest of the Democrats can run against the supercommittee, or we never supported the supercommittee that we just signed off on which in turn wiped out any benefit you were getting out of the government. Oh by the way, we need more shared sacrifice so can you dig a little deeper so we can funnel a few more dollars to our fund raisers.  What this country needs in the worst way is a government that actually represents someone other than a government that represents the highest briber.

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