Saturday, October 6, 2012

Election sound bite free zone here: we'll be back with more blather after these messages

...Stop the food fight for a second.

I'd like to think of what is going on rationally before we get back to horse race and who got a bump where and when. I support President Obama not because I think he is the second coming but he is marginally better on the economy, and on nearly every social issue he is nearly one hundred percent better in my opinion.

Con: he is too much of a status quo politician for my liking. He's too often like a Republican-lite. I remember someone saying that they were against Obama because he is a socialist or communist. I said this is the same guy who hired Larry Summers and Timothy Geitner. My response was if he was a communist then he was a pretty bad one and he deserved tohave been kicked out of the party by now.

While I often wonder what about Obamacare that scares his opponents so badly. When did helping all your fellow citizens become a crime. Did I miss the memo? And why don't some Americans realize that caring for the sickest in an emergency room is a a lot more expensive then trying to keep down costs by caring for the sick early on before their sickness is acute. Is Obamacare perfect? No. So fix it. Don't scrap the whole thing and go back to to where we were before when millions of Americans were losing their health care, there was no way to contain runaway costs, and everyone was one illness away from financial ruin. There was a reason that Obamacare even exists at all and pretending that things were rosy before Obama is ridiculous  Am I comfortable with government bureaucrats running the health care system -not really;  am I comfortable with insurance bureaucrats, who are as incentivized  by make money by denying care as they are for giving it, running it - not by a long shot. And I realize I shouldn't feel this way because Michael Moore is a loud mouth, who wears a baseball cap, occasionally skews the fact to make his case stronger and he is also fat - but I do feel this way.

Pro: on the edges Obama is significantly better than the other side. I don't think that because of gay marriage the earth will necessarily open up and swallow all God's people. Maybe I can be forgiven for that feeling because I'm from Massachusetts and it has happened yet. I also don't think our soldiers need to be turned straight before they go overseas and do a job that I don't want to do. I also should be forgiven because I think we need a realistic immigration policy other than expecting millions of Hispanics to just go and self-deport. That really  is just fantastic thinking.  I also believe that women deserve to paid the same amount of money for the same work, and that they should have access to as good a health care. I'm perfectly happy with them taking the pill just as I don't think that leeching people is not the best course for all illnesses. And I also don't think that someone raped should be required to have to give birth to their rapist's baby. Call me a wild eyed loon.

I am uncomfortable with Obama defending social security, medicare, and education because too many people handing him big checks stand to gain from having this money turned back over to them. That being said, I have absolutely no trust of Mitt Romney protecting them. When somebody makes it public that they will destroy these programs if elected, I believe them. I wonder how many people voting for Romney even understand that the benefits he means to cut are their's or will one day in the not so distant future be their's.

I don't believe in a tax system in which investors pay at a much lower rate than people who have to work for a living. I believe that rich people shouldn't just be able to park their money off-shore and enjoy all the same social benefits that their fully US vested brethren enjoy. I don't believe that there are such things as the job creators who automatically create more jobs every time you lower their tax rate  because, if that was the case, we'd be enjoying our twelve consecutive year of record creating job creation since George W. decided to  accelerate the nation's policy of redistributing money upward.

Voter suppression does matter to me. Democracies function better when the governed get a say in the democracy and not when people win by knocking other people off the rolls. When fifteen states suddenly discover the potential of voter fraud at the same time and the group of citizens they disenfranchise all have similar complexions then you have a problem. You are advancing into a territory of pre-Apartheid South Africa or the American South from 1865 to 1965. And you are heading, though you wants to hear it, in the direction of pre-civil war America.

I have a real problem with President Obama's war policy of killing people at random without trial or jury. I think it's self-defeating though the noise machine tell me I'm wrong. I still don't think someone who appears to want to bomb Iran and give the US military more money that they are even asking for is the person for the job. We already have a problem with the government listening to its citizenry. Maybe instead of like to be able to fire people, Romney would like to be able to kill them. Forgive I've been trying to avoid the snarky comments.

The main reason to vote for Obama is that the same people who absolutely destroyed the economy under George Bush in 2008 now work for Mitt Romney and they appear to want another chance. Who knows whether Obama's policy every would have worked because they were never even tried. From day one the GOP said no to everything and the citizenry rewarded them with the house in 2010. They continued to say no and if they're given the presidency, for doing nothing for the American people, you can only imagine what the next couple of years will look like as they continue further distribution upward.

Now we can once again return to the foolishness: Kenyan....Big Bird,,,, dodger...hates white people....likes firing election bump...talking to a chair.

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