Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Darrell Issa's Labor Website Infuriates Unions

Darrell Issa's Labor Website Infuriates Unions

WASHINGTON -- Union activists generally don't consider House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to be an ally in labor struggles, so many were surprised Wednesday morning to see that Issa's GOP-led committee had launched a new website to promote workers' rights.

Upon closer inspection, however, labor activists came to see what they considered a distinct anti-union flavor of the website, Pitched as a platform to listen "directly to rank-and-file union workers," the site includes three stories told in workers' own words, and all of the workers are critical of their own unions: the National Education Association (NEA), the United Auto Workers and the Service Employees International Union.

Issa, DarrellHouseRCA$448,125,017

LP - This is Darrell Issa's overall worth so you know he has the working America's interest at heart. At over 448 million you know his heart breaks for the common worker which is why he wants them to have no representation.

The site was apparently built off of a February oversight hearing on required union dues -- a pet peeve of many anti-union conservatives, who claim the money is used for left-leaning political ends.

"Every worker should have the choice to decide whether their money is taken from their paychecks and used to fund political activity," Issa said in a statement Wednesday. The purpose of the site, he added, is to illuminate "how forced political contributions violate [workers'] fundamental rights" and to hold "union leaders and government accountable to taxpayers."

LP - Got to thank Issa for his concern for working man.

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