Friday, March 30, 2012

My Adventures In Republican World

The South might have rejected Romney; but truthfully did they really have any choice. Romney was really picked for them, anointed by the Republican power structure and now who's who in Republican establishment is coming out of the wood work to say that he's already been chosen now get out of the way. At the end of the day and come November, the Republican power brokers know that " Mr. Etch a Sketch" will get the nod in the south over a Kenyan Muslim Socialist from Hawaii.

It really doesn't matter that the people picking Romney are all from states that he won't carry in the fall, part of a contingent or a dying tribe of Yankees too unpopular  to carry  their own region  into the Republican camp. It also doesn't matter that Mitt's campaign manager basically came out and said, "We have to say this shit to get elected but don't worry we really don't mean it. We just have to say enough to get enough of you crazies to vote for us."

They know that what matters in the fall is that a candidate has a little R next to his name and not that they have any core convictions. Santorum is losing, swamped by a Tsunami of money (50 to 1 in Wisconsin). If you want the nomination all's you have to prove is your opponent is even a bigger slime than you - and it doesn't really matter if it has any lasting effect only that sews enough doubt for one day in a voting cycle: election day. Then afterwards they're stuck with this person and can blame them for really being too liberal. Romney's victory in the Republican primary is a straight up victory for buying nominations. The only difference is that it would be much cheaper if it came with a price tag rather than having the spending be open ended.

Newt is dead in the water and he seems to be the only person who doesn't know it. This is a man that loves the camera. Newt loves to think he's a great thinker, so far his best idea seems to be: little kid janitors on the moon. It is only a question of which has more girth Gingrich's ego or his head.

The biggest surprise of this election cycle has been the passivity of Ron Paul and his lack of the rabid constituency that we heard so much about. It is in some ways like he and Mitt Romney have some kind of deal worked out and, whatever you think of Paul, if that is the case it violates everything he supposedly stands for.

Meanwhile Rick Santorum, Romney's principle rival who has beaten Romney in nearly every solidly Republican state, even though he alienates every other voting block on a weekly basis other than white christian males. He insults blacks, alienates women, and tells everyone in Puerta Rico that they need to learn to speak English and still Romney struggles with him. Part of this is the fact Santorum didn't bother to read the owner's manual before he ran for president and as a result he has managed to eliminate whole counties from his delegate count or, as is the case with Virginia, a whole state.

And in the middle of this the Republican Supreme Court wades into the fray with their activist law books blazing. Many of them are the same legal scholars who gave us that brilliant Bush vs. Gore decision: a decision that not only overturned an election but also said that the decision only applied to this particular case and only to particular people named Gore and Bush, and could never be used in future cases. Then when the election was handed to Bush - the party aggrieved by the fact he would have lost the election if  the ballots were counted  - the media was quick to want to move on. Nothing to see here. Beside the endless coverage of the attempted to stolen elections in the Ukraine easily overshadowed what was happening in Washington. A few wars and a few trillion dollars of debt later, many of those same wise old justices are back at it again. They are still in good physical condition taking full advantage of their government mandated health care as they make sure that millions of Americans have the liberty to die rather than be cared for. They are making sure this sick captive nation remains imprisoned to the health care industry. And some people thought they were kidding about death panels.

But the last burning question that all America really wants to know is whether Mitt Romney's taxes should be half of everyone else's or if it needs to be lowered. Maybe the Supreme Court could impart some of their wisdom onto this as well.

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