Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another edition of what's in the Main Stream Media media that our readers aren't getting: The South Carolina edition

ABC This Week's round table put Stephen Colbert on first, more for the yucks than for the substance. The substance came from Colbert, the comedian; and George Stephanopolis, the hard newscaster representing Disney's news division, seemed to be the one only interested in Colbert's one liners.

As Colbert explains to Stephanopolis, George guffaw and water comes out of his nose.

After Colbert the round table spent a full section in which everyone got to talk on Tim Tebow and what a nice young man he was. Then they began a discussion of what Colbert was trying to do by making fun of Super Pacs. Only one person who got to say his piece, was lead pontificater George Will. The only progressive on the panel, Paul Krugman, then got in a sentence or two before he was cut off. Obviously, they didn't have enough time for a full airing of the corruption of our democracy because the Tebow section had gone a little long.

Tim Tebow praying that the corporations just won't be allowed to buy this yea's elections

Most of the panel looked uncomfortable with the discussion anyway. They appeared threatened that if they challenged the system too much then they might have to get a another job instead of their current  stenography job. As Colbert had said on another occasion, and I paraphrase, "The president's job is to say what's in his heart and your job is to write it down."

The only difference is it would be the round table that has slept through this election.

Meanwhile on Meet "the Republican" Press both sides were declared to be equally at fault for the congressional impasse and told that they needed to give a little to reach a level of bi-partianship which is what the American people are clamoring for, though I know of no one but the talking heads who are even concerned with this. They say that both sides are at fault for the fact nothing has been done - as anyone following this blog knows I've had plenty of harsh words for the "surrendering Democrats" - but blaming them equally for the congressional impasse is a little like blaming the football for being unwilling to compromise with the field goal kicker (And yes the analogy is done in honor of the NFL playoffs.

According to Meet The Press, Charlie Brown is equally to blame for not compromising with Lucy

Meanwhile all the networks are hinting/suggesting that the other candidates need to get out of the way and coalesce around Mitt Romney, the inevitable Republican nominee. After all they have had one statewide election, in one of the smallest states in the union, and everyone except Romney is broke. It just goes to show that the dollars mean a hell of a lot more than votes do, as you can always buy voters later on. Besides the real election has already happened in the board rooms of some of the leading corporations (ie. corporations are people my friend) in the country. They have already let Mitt know that they decided to promote him up to the position of president. They've just decided to wait until November to inform the American people, who seemed to be having to much fun pulling the levers, of their decision.

Romney getting word that he'll soon be promoted

Gas is going up again. It'll soon be $110 to fill up the tank of an SUV, and somehow it's all Iran's fault. Not the gas companies who gouge their customers or the automakers who made products that, with rising gas prices, will have products that will be more valuable as toasters.

Americans definitely need SUVs that can drive on rocks

Thank God the cruise ship went down off the coast of Italy so there will at least be some video to fill up the endless hours of air time that cable news has to fill.

I see know similarities.

But even after the sinking many of them made a swim for it

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