Friday, July 29, 2011

America's Greatest Generation Meets its Stupidest

Just a thought wall to wall about budget default crisis and CNN as a conduit to what people are talking about. And they’re right it’s really what the people on CNN are talking about. It would be nice if CNN spent nearly as much time talking about how people are wondering why Bill Gates and Warren Buffet need another tax cut? How dare the politicians not cut some of the bloated military budget? How dare the politicians keep calling upon other peoples children to fight endless wars that they don’t have the money to pay for? Apparently, CNN isn’t talking to the same people I am.

The wonderful thing about the U.S. is this generation loves to talk endlessly about the greatest generation, even as they destroy everything that that generation stood for. And what better way to show your respect for your elders than by destroying the retirement program that was set up for them in old age.

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