Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The New York police state: NYPD, FBI Raid Occupy Wall Street Protesters' Homes In Anticipation Potentially Violent May Day

NYPD, FBI Raid Occupy Wall Street Protesters' Homes In Anticipation Potentially Violent May Day: "The "

'via Blog this'

New York police protecting their master's manor house: The New York Stock Exchange.

The NYPD has kept a close eye on the Occupy Wall Street's May Day protestplans.
six page memo (see below) from the NYPD's Shield unit reveals the department is concerned over "political fissures" in the movement which they believe could lead to violence Tuesday.
From the memo:
Political fissures that are present within the OWS movement may impact the strategies of demonstrators during individual protest actions; in particular, the Wildcat March is not an officially sanctioned OWS march and may attract militant elements from inside and outside the OWS movement that may seek to directly confront law enforcement officials using barricades, riot shields, and possibly weapons such as pipes and rocks.
(For a full schedule of May Day's permitted and not permitted events, go here.)
In anticipation Monday, the FBI and NYPD raided the homes of protesters.
"There were a number of visits between 6:00 and 7:30 in the morning and at other points in the day that appeared to target people that primarily the NYPD, but in one instance the FBI, wanted to ask certain questions to," Gideon Oliver, a spokesman for the National Lawyers Guild, which often represents Occupy protesters, told Buzzfeed. "Questions included things like 'what are your May Day plans?' 'Do you know who the protest leaders are?' 'What do you know about the May Day protests?' and such."

LP - That first amendment has been cancelled. As the power of the state snaps at its own citizens.

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