Friday, February 21, 2014

Luke Russert Calls In To Celebrate The Iraq War (TJDS)

One of the first great series of books I loved: cult of poldark

I even had a couple of letters from Winston Graham when I was kid. It was great to know that people like that existed.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Robert Taylor 2-5-14 School Board meeting.

I can vouch what he is talking about is a national goal. Education money is the modern day gold rush for all those that can get their hands on the public's money. The poorer the district the more these people, who have never given the people in these districts the time of the day, come out of the woodwork "to help." It is a tough job they have. They have to convince parents the people who spend multiple hours a day could care less about their kids while the ones who won't go near them has nothing but love in their hearts.

 This is follow up:

Interesting interview of Edward Snowden

Peter Griffin - Equal Rights